Man Charged In Pill Manufacturing Operation Following Domestic Disturbance
Josh Sweet, 23, of Hayes Street Hazleton was charged by HPD Narcotics Division in connection with a pill manufacturing operation Friday.
Hazleton City Police responded to a domestic disturbance on Hayes Street around 10:30pm, at which point officers observed what was believed to be a pill manufacturing operation in the basement of the residence.
A pill press, approximately 17,200 Alprazolan (Commonly known as Xanax) pills, packaging material, a food saver vacuum sealer, scales, and powder form of the xanax were seized.
Xanax is a prescription drug that is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders, however it is commonly abused and purchased illegaly as a recreational drug.
Joshua Patrick Sweet was charged with: F Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver
F3 Criminal Use Of Communication Facility
M Counter Simulat Mark Stamp
M Place Mark Cont Subs W/Int To Defraud
M Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg
M Make Dist Poss Die Punch Plate Etc
M Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph
Sweet is jailed in the Luzerne County Correctional Facility for lack of $25,000 bail.
Despite being only 23 years old, Sweet has a collection of previous charges including: F3 Firearms Not To Be Carried W/O License
F Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver
M Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg
M1 Firearm Not To Be Carried W/O License-No Crim Viol
The street value of the pills seized is estimated to be between $50,000 and $200,000 depending on the quantities sold.