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Pizza Delivery Car Hits Parked Car, Then Residence On Diamond Avenue

Around 9:50 pm, reports of a vehicle hitting a car and then a residence came in from the area of Seybert and Diamond Avenue in Hazleton.

The tan car pictured had crossed the double yellow lines, struck the dark colored parked car, and then struck the pictured brick residence.

Hazleton News 1 was on scene, noting that the driver was in fact delivering pizzas for a local pizzeria, when the vehicle reportedly 'jumped out of gear', causing it to tear the bumper off of the parked vehicle, and strike the residence.

No damage was caused to the building, and no injuries were reported. The pizza was sucesfully delivered to those who ordered it on Diamond Avenue.

Other pizzas were taken by another delivery driver and sucessfully delivered to their recipients.

Hazleton Fire Chief was on scene, along with Hazleton Police.

Until they left for another pizza incident at Domino's, where a man committed armed robbery with a shotgun.

West Hazleton Police took over the accident call while HPD responded to Domino's.

(No. The delivery was not from Dominoe's.)

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