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Hazleton Area Cemetery Throwing Away Grave Decorations

Jacqueline Shearer visited Calvary Cemetery on Wednesday to check on the lights and flowers that were placed on graves when she noticed they were missing.

Shearer, who states that her mother, father, and brother are buried at Calbary Cemetery, along with extended family.

Initially, Chearer thought that the items that were placed on loved one's graves were stolen. She then noticed that there were no lights on any of the graves.

As she was leaving the cemetery, she saw piles of lights, figurines, and memorials behind a maintenance building.

She has taken pictures of the items and uploaded them to help others get their belongings back before they are thrown away.

The images show numerous items that are frequently seen decorating the grave sites of loved ones at most cemeteries.

Another resident, Tonya Uliano, called the cemetery about the items being thrown away..

Uliano's sister and grandparents are buried at the Calvary Cemetery.

Calvary Cemetery representatives state that it is against the rules and regulations of the cemetery ro have lights and other decorations.

Uliano referred to the items being thrown away as disrespectful.

Shearer was quoted to say "Apparently the people who cut the grass felt that these lights, figurines, and memorials were inappropriate decorations so they removed them all. I don't even know what to say. It's hard enough losing a loved one, but to have someone with so little regards that they would do something like this amazes me"

Tracey Zielinski Bozek referred to the situation as "Awful. It's worse than awful."

The Cemetery has regulations posted about decorations only being allowed for a short time before they will be discarded.

Surprisingly, the cemetery did not seem to make an effort beyond that to make the public aware that decorations would not be allowed around grave sites.

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