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Man Accused Of Dumping Waste Claims Innocence

Robert Torner of Freeland has apologized for his statements made to residents recently, after being accused of being responsible for dumping trash in Upper Lehigh Sunday.

Torner has expessed his innocence in the situation, and appologized for his comments.

He has stated that he has recieved animosity from some members of the community since the day he moved to the Freeland area.

Torner, who brought his family along with him from New Jersey has expessed his apreciation of the Freeland area, relating it to his hometown, in reguards to the close-knit community.

Piles of trash were found in Upper Lehigh which contained pizza boxes with address's and numbers linking to Torner, along with a window that was recently removed from a property that Torner is currently renovating.

Torner admits that he was upset due to the implications against him, and that he acted poorly.

He has maintained his innocence, and believes that someone had maliciously placed items linked to Torner onto existing piles.

In recent years, Torner has purchased the "Cottage" in freeland. At one time, the Cottage was a center of illegal activity, and home to many undesirable citizens.

Torner states that he has evicted trouble residents, and now provides affordable, desireable living in the Cottage.

He has also painted the entire building pink, in support of breast cancer awareness.

Torner continued to mention good deeds that he has done for the community, along with donations that he has made.

He envisions a great future for Freeland, and attributes it to the great minds and tallents of the town's citizens.

The property currently being renovated was previously a Chinese restaurant, and a computer repair shop. Torner has been making renovations on this property for months, and plans to make the large building a home to his own restaurant, a clothing store, and apartments.

Torner sttes that all dishes in the restaurant will be priced around $5, and clothing in the store will also be affordable. But Torner states that the price will not reflect on quality.

Torner expressed a belief that if quality products are available for affordable prices, then patrons are sure to return.

Torner faces animosity and accusations by Freeland residents regaurding the trash that was found.

He hopes that the police will be able to investigate the origins of the trash, and find those responsible.

Torner has proven the purchase of waste removal services, and is awaiting an investigation by state police.

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